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Toshiba Introduces New Gate Driver Ics For In-Vehicle DC Brushed Motors To Help Reduce Device Size

Sep 20, 2024      View: 414

Shanghai, China, Toshiba Electronic Components & Storage Corporation (" Toshiba ") today announced the launch of an engineering sample of a new gate driver IC[1] for automotive DC brushed motors, TB9103FTG, which can be used in applications including electric tailgate, electric sliding door drive latching motors [2] and locking motors [3]. As well as electric Windows and electric seat drive motor.


Hand-regulated on-board components are now largely electrified, which increases the demand for motors and the number of integrations in cars. In addition, due to the increase in the number of drives used by the motor, the development pace of shrinking and integrating the overall system is facilitated. There are also motor applications that do not require control of speed, and these applications require drivers with simple functions and performance.


The TB9103FTG provides optimized gate driver functionality and performance for brushless DC motors without speed control, opening the way to more compact designs. It has a built-in charging pump circuit [4] that ensures the voltage needed to power the external MOSFETs that drive the motor. In addition, it has a gate monitoring function to prevent the generation of through current by automatically controlling the gate signal output timing for the high-low side external MOSFETs.



The new product can also be used as a single channel H-bridge or a double channel half-bridge. In addition to applications as motor drivers, the latest ics can be combined with external MOSFETs to replace mechanical relays and other mechanical switches, helping to achieve quiet operation and higher equipment reliability.


The TB9103FTG comes in a 4.0mm × 4.0mm (typical value) P-VQFN24-0404-0.50-003 package to help reduce the size of the device.



Vehicle equipment

For electric tailgates and electric sliding doors drive latching motors and locking motors with driving Windows and electric seats, etc



Minimal functionality and performance support miniaturization


Built-in sleep function for low power standby

Can be used as a gate driver for a single channel H-bridge or a double channel half-bridge



[1] The driver that drives the MOSFET.

[2] The motor used in the system is used to keep the door closed.

[3] The motor used in the system will work with the key to lock and unlock the door to prevent criminal activity.

[4] Circuits that use capacitors and switches to boost voltage.



* Other company names, product names and service names may be trademarks of their respective companies.

* Product prices and specifications, service content and contact information in this document are current at the date of announcement, but are subject to change without notice.



About Toshiba Electronic Components and Storage Co., LTD


Toshiba Electronic Components & Storage Corporation is a leading supplier of advanced semiconductor and storage solutions, with more than half a century of experience and innovation to provide customers and partners with outstanding solutions in discrete semiconductors, system LSI and HDD.


With 22,200 employees around the world dedicated to maximizing the value of its products, Toshiba Electronic Components & Storage Co., Ltd. places great emphasis on close collaboration with customers to promote value creation and jointly explore new markets. The company now has annual sales of more than 797.1 billion yen (US $4.96 billion). Looking forward to building and contributing to a better future for people around the world.



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