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  • MC33172PG

Request Information For MC33172PG

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MC33172PG Overview

Quality bipolar fabrication with innovative design concepts are employed for the MC33171/72/74 series of monolithic op-amps. These devices operate at 180 A per amplifier and offer 1.8 MHz of gain bandwidth product and 2.1 V/s slew rate without the use of JFET device technology. Although this series can be operated from split supplies, it is particularly suited for single supply operation, since the common mode input voltage includes ground potential (VEE). With a Darlington input stage, these devices exhibit high input resistance, low input offset voltage and high gain. The all NPN output stage, characterized by no deadband crossover distortion and large output voltage swing, provides high capacitance drive capability, excellent phase and gain margins, low open loop high frequency output impedance and symmetrical source/sink AC frequency response.
The MC33171/72/74 are specified over the industrial / automotive temperature ranges. The complete series of single, dual and quad op-amps are available in plastic as well as the surface mount packages.


  • Low Supply Current: 180 μA (Per Amplifier)
  • Wide Supply Operating Range: 3.0 V to 44 V or+/-1.5 V to +/- 22 V
  • Wide Input Common Mode Range, Including Ground (V
  • EE
  • Wide Bandwidth: 1.8 MHz
  • High Slew Rate: 2.1 V/μs
  • Low Input Offset Voltage: 2.0 mV
  • Large Output Voltage Swing: -14.2 V to +14.2 V (with +/-15 V Supplies)
  • Large Capacitance Drive Capability: 0 pF to 500 pF
  • Low Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.03%
  • Excellent Phase Margin: 60 C°
  • Excellent Gain Margin: 15 dB
  • Output Short Circuit Protection
  • ESD Diodes Provide Input Protection for Dual and Quad

Other distributor's price

Distributor Part # Mfg. Description Price
digikey MC33172PG onsemi IC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8DIP
