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Automotive Vision Systems

Automotive Vision Systems

Accelerating innovation in automotive vision technology is fueling a transformation in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and will ultimately help to enable the achievement of fully autonomous L5 vehicles. ADAS Vision Systems currently provide many assist functions for today's driver. The vision system is a key part of that capability as cars perceive their surroundings and decide on the actions required to maintain the safety of all road users. Co-piloting and then fully automating a car requires technology with automotive grade reliability, safety and security. 

Automotive vision systems refer to a set of technologies and components that enable visual perception and understanding of the vehicle's surroundings. These systems utilize various sensors, cameras, and image processing algorithms to enhance driver visibility, safety, and overall situational awareness. 

The integration of vision systems in vehicles is a crucial component of the development of autonomous driving technology. These systems enable vehicles to perceive the environment, make informed decisions, and navigate safely. As technology advances, automotive vision systems continue to evolve, offering improved accuracy, enhanced object recognition, and increased functionality to enhance overall driving experience and safety.

automotive vision system

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